Archive for May, 2013

I’m So Girly!!! :) :) :) :)

I’m so HAPPY!!!!! My friend who is much older than me had like, TONS of cloths that she just never wore so guess what! I’m her size so she gave them all to meeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! My wardrobe had tripled! I was really in need of some “new” clothes! The only prob is that a lot of them aren’t dress code. Our dress code says for shirts the straps have to be two or three fingers thinck and Most of the shirts are either spaghetti strapped or one strapped. I love the one strapped ones though. They are so cute! I love all the stuff! Well gotta go so… See ya! *girly squeal*

WARNING. If you do not like rants on important topics don’t read.

I don’t usually talk about politics and I know that some of you won’t like what I have to say but I just had to get this out of my system. Gays. I don’t have anything against them. I probably have met more and didn’t know it but I know for sure that I have met two. They were both kind, compassionate, funny, wonderful people. I’m sure that there are some homosexual people who aren’t so nice and wonderful just like there are mean non-homosexual people. What I don’t understand is why straight people have to exclude homosexual people from so much and discriminate against them. One example is the Boy Scouts. One of their age old values is not to include gay boys. I think that’s just plain stupid. Why should they care who that boy wants to go out with? Is Boy Scouts a dating site? NO! It’s not. The boys are going there to learn survival and things like that. Why exclude someone from that just because they don’t have the same views? Are they not worthy? If someone tried to exclude african-americans from something (like boy scouts) they would be looked on as racist and then shunned. Why is it any different with gays? I believe that gays should have the same rights as everybody. People shouldn’t care what other people do romantically! I also know that many people believe it’s against god.
Now if you don’t want to hear me speak about religion then don’t read on. Not every thing I have to say is nice.
Yeah! Men can’t reproduce with men and women can’t with women! It’s biology. Now if I was christian or any other religion I might say something different but this is what I think. It may seem like god says we shouldn’t be romantically involved with someone of the same gender. I think that if there was a god and he/she did not want some people to be homosexual (not saying everyone should be) the thought never would have crossed anyones mind. If god is all powerful that is. I think that if there is a god then he/she wants people to think for them selves! I’m not going to get into this religion thing any deeper because I don’t think that all of you would necessarily like what I have to say. On that note, gays are perfectly good people and should not be hated due to their romantic lives. Thanks if your still reading this! See ya!

Another Trip!!

I don’t remember if I told you guys but last fall I went to Miejer Gardens in Grand Rapids. I was on a completely still train/tram thing that was supposed to take us around the park (sculpture park). I (being as dumb as can be) managed to tuck myself into my gigantic sweatshirt with my legs all curled up inside and I was all cozy on my tram seat next to katiekat522 when I somehow lost my balance and fell hard on the tram floor. On my face.
Looking back it seems quite embarrassing and hilarious but I assure you that’s not how it felt then! When I opened my eyes I swear there was literally a pool of blood where my mouth had been. I think I asked for help but my mom was already there helping me up and checking my wounds. All the tram driver could find in the way of a bandage was a dirty old rag that I’m pretty sure he cleaned the tram with that very morning! (I bet this could pass for fiction!) I put it on my bleeding mouth anyway. My mom then told the bus driver that she thought I needed stitches. She and katiekat522 (who was pale as a sheet btw) and katiekat522’s mom lead me off the tram as I dripped tears and blood all over everything. I’m sure I was quite a sight!
Full credit to my mom for this part: we walked quickly through the indoor part of the park and found a main desk, my mom found a staff person and used her urgent-must-happen-now voice that always gets things done to get the staff lady to point us in the direction of an emergency clinic. We drove the 5 miles and once we were there mom got us in line.
The lady ahead of us I think had something wrong with her eye (pink eye or something) and a boisterous kid running around but she took one look at the bunch of us and let us go ahead.
We walked into a white room and nurse looked at my mouth then put us in a different room where another nurse came in and laid me down on a table and put a greenish-blueish paper thing over my face. Then she numbed me and preceded to give me 2 stitches. She was very good at her job (I didn’t feel a thing) and she said there would be no scar but I’m not sure anyone could have stitched me up without leaving a scar. Anyway I have an X-shaped scar on the inside of my lower lip where my two front teeth practically took a bite out of me.
Now, Why am I telling you all this? Because I’m going back this weekend! Despite my mishap last time I can’t wait to go back! It’s really late so I think I’ll end this post here. I don’t think I’ll be posting while I’m there because I doubt I’ll take my iPad but I’ll post more when I get back! I hope you enjoyed my story! See ya!

Here is my pic/song/fun fact of the week compilation! Boy, that takes a lot of effort to type! I’ll get right on with it then!


I’m going to do two this week because it’s so late.




The two songs are…

Born This Way by Lady Gaga
Still That Girl by Britt Nicole.

Fun Facts!!

I’ll do several fun facts just for… well…. FUN!!!

The average person falls asleep in 7 minutes

It’s possible to lead a cow upstairs…but not downstairs.

A duck’s quack doesn’t echo, and no one knows why.

Snails can sleep for 3 years without eating

A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue!

Orcas (killer whales) kill sharks by torpedoing up into to shark’s stomach from underneath, causing the shark to explode.

The number of possible ways of playing the first four moves per side in a game of chess is 318,979,564,000.

Cat’s urine glows under a black light.

Men can read smaller print than women; women can hear better than men.

It was discovered on a space mission that a frog can throw up. The frog throws up its stomach first, so the stomach is dangling out of its mouth.Then the frog uses its forearms to dig out all of the stomach’s contents and then swallows the stomach back down again.

A shark can detect one part of blood in 100 million parts of water.

After you read this I bet you all will be like “Holy crap! I can’t believe she just said that!” Well I did. Here it goes.
I really want to end world suffering for two main reasons. One, no one deserves to suffer. Two, pitying people is hard! I’m going to mostly talk about the second one. I don’t mean hard as in it being hard to do, I mean hard as in you can’t help but feel bad for people and when you do it’s really taxing! I can’t help but feel really really horrible when I see even a hobo on the street. I feel like if I have all this nice stuff they should have it all too! All that pity really brings me down, you know? Why can’t everyone have all the same stuff so that nobody has to feel bad about having more. I know that’s really selfish but what can I say? Suffering is depressing for everybody.
I just had to get that out of my system. See ya! 😉

I’m SO SO Sorry

I’m so sorry for my lack of posts. I’ve had a lot going on. Anytime I’m not in school or doing something with family or friends I’m writing my novel. Hasn’t left much time for you guys! Curse you, novel!! Lolz. I hope you guys didn’t think I abandoned my blog! I would never! I’ll do a pic/song/fun fact of the week compilation thing to make up for it! This is gonna be fun!

We got back home last Saturday and we’ve been really busy so that’s why I didn’t post (see post “I am SO SO Sorry”). The park was AWESOME!!!!!!! We went on the Gatekeeper first. Not first in line, just first out of the rides we went on. The wait was literally 4 hours! 4 freakin hours. Once we got up there and on the ride it was AMAZING! There were tons of loops and curves and upside down parts! First you go up a big hill then they drop you, yeah, drop you, upside down and into a loop! then there are more loops and upside downness. After that we decided to go on The Mantis. I think that was my favorite ride. (Probably because I had my eyes closed a lot on the Gatekeeper and not on the Mantis. But don’t tell anyone 😉 ) For the Mantis you rode standing but they strapped you in really good and everything so there was nothing to worry about. There were a lot of loops and stuff on that one two but for some reason it wasn’t as high or scary so I wasn’t thinking as much about falling off as I was thinking about how cool it was!

Guess where I am right now! That’s right, CEDAR POINT!!!!! I can’t wait to go on all the rides! The Gatekeeper is opening today!! I really want to go on it but the line is gonna be HUGE, so I don’t know if we’ll be able to. If we do I’ll tell all of you how it went! There’s a rollercoaster that they have to shut down if it gets to windy! I really want to go on the Raptor, Millennium Force and Top Hill Dragster. But I didn’t find any web sites with stuff about the rides that wern’t rollercoasters but I’m sure we’ll go on something that’s not a rollercoaster! Oh! I’m off to see the wizard, er, rollercoasters!! Bye!


5th Graders (part 2)

That was awesome!!! I wasn’t sure what to do at first but then my science teacher came to the cafeteria (where all the volunteers were supposed to be) and he told me to go to his class and put down all the chairs and clean up the room. I asked him if any of the other volunteers were helping him too and he said he chose ME out of all the kids who asked him! I was so happy!! The 5th graders were really cool too. One of them got a bloody nose so I took him to almost every bathroom in the school (ok only two but still) until I finally took him to the office. It eventually stopped bleeding and I took him to the next class he was supposed to see. I got to lead my science teacher’s group to some of the classes. I made sure to tell them how awesome the school is! And how you get used to your locker and everything within the first few days. I’m so glad I volunteered. Too bad some my friends couldn’t come *cough*katiekat522*cough*. I hope we can do it next year too! See ya.

I’m sorry I haven’t been posting much. I’ve just been really… uh… I won’t lie, I’ve been really lazy.
I just thought this was a special enough event that it deserved a blog. The 5th graders from almost all the elementary schools around the district come once a year to get a tour of my school to see where they will be going next year. And every year 6th graders get to sign up to lead them around in their tour. I thought it would be fun so I signed up! Every body else won’t be at school because the teachers need to show the little kids their class. It will be so fun! What only stinks is that only one of my friends is going and I don’t even know if we’ll lead the same group. We’re just supposed to take them to every class and show them how awesome my school is though how awesome we are. And WE GET PIZZA AFTER!!! lol. It’s gonna be great.


..Still Taking Roughly 25 Pills a Day. Boom! I guess.


How the world looks through my hearts.




Adventures of Bacon and Friends

The Baggage Handler

I made the impossible easy in both worlds!

Hollis Plample

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Inspiration for meeting life's challenges.

design kat

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